Joe Biden and Barack Obama

READ: Jim Messina’s POLITICO Op-Ed: “There’s No Need to Panic Over Biden.”

Jim Messina, CEO of The Messina Group, writes about how early polling numbers for Biden are unreliable and what the Biden campaign needs to focus on going into the 2024 presidential election in an op-ed for POLITICO.

“This will be a very close election, and there will be plenty more times Democrats will feel nervous. But what will make a difference is the work itself, engaging voters and spreading a positive message about his accomplishments, economic policies, and views on issues like abortion and freedoms. Biden has been counted out time and time again, and he’s proved pollsters and pundits wrong. His campaign (along with the rest of us) needs to ignore the noise and build the strong campaign it needs to win — just like in 2020. And Democrats need to remember what I learned back in 2011: Voters decide elections, not polls.”

Read the complete article here.

The Messina Group
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