As an organization, TMG has extensive experience in tailoring next-generation campaign tools and tactics for election environments around the globe — everywhere from the United Kingdom to Sub-Saharan Africa to South America to Central Europe.
As we learned from running the Obama campaign in 2012, and has been reinforced in numerous other winning political campaigns – including those in major European nations and emerging markets – we believe the campaign that embraces the future of digital and data has a strategic advantage.
For most campaigns, the real work — and inevitable challenges — start well before the campaign begins and continues after you win. Very few campaigns have the internal resources to develop any type of detailed, effective agenda and strategy without bringing in outside experts. When they decide to bring in an international political consultant, many times, these consultants parachute in, deliver top-line data, and then leave.
We are different. We want to become part of your team. Our passion has been to help our clients grow their organizational capacity and become self-reliant. Whether it’s building cutting-edge data tools, mapping internal infrastructure, moving party culture, or determining resource allocation, we have the experience that provides long term solutions. And we know that, in order to be of real strategic value, our guidance must be actionable and prescriptive, not merely descriptive.
Campaign Management
Digital Content Creation & Strategy
Analytics & Targeting
Message Development
Media Training & Targeting